Mad_Cyril Careful Si, Loopy Boy graduated from Winnipeg State Tech with Diploma in Soccer Arbitration .
- Canada has provinces and three territories. No states. All post secondary education is government funded.
- Winnipeg is like… Hmm. Glasgow in the 1980s, but a hell of a lot colder with more crime and the shittiest of the largest cities in Canada with extra shit on top. I would never willingly set foot there.
- I live in Ontario. Most Canadians cannot stand people from Ontario because we’re too cool for school.
- As a football referee, I’m subject to the same Laws of the Game as dictated by FIFA and IFAB and as such, the same tests. Si would get a yellow for dissent and a warning to shut it - a red if he carries on. If he comes in with studs up, straight red and a two match ban.