Mad_Cyril He’ll Red Card you faster than something very fast.

Much faster than your shit knowledge of Canada?

-si- Are you the Canadian mimsy? Two peas in a prog pod, mate, aye?

Have you any of your prog mixes you can link me up to, bro?

Millsy I assure you is very English. He lives in Bournemouth.

I on the other hand, am very much a Canuck. However, years of hard graft in the 1990s and naughties progressive house game allowed me to befriend many a Brit, so I’ve become rather adept at the slang, culture and various collequialisms.

In short, I sound like a ponce around people from the UK. I’m fine with this and it’s become a long running joke that I could out-Cockney someone born within hearing Bow’s bells. There’s a five and a half hour belter up there.

loopdokter Winnipeg is like… Hmm. Glasgow in the 1980s

how shit could glasgow possibly have been in the 80s? certainly not nearly as awful winnipeg.

    5 days later

    303abuser how shit could glasgow possibly have been in the 80s? certainly not nearly as awful winnipeg.

    Based on all accounts Glasgow from the various Wegies I know was pretty shit in the 1980s and even 1990s. Properly rough. Winnipeg is shit though.

    14 days later

    Ket, MDMA and coke cocktail was the final straw for old Erick.

    Never managed to climb out of that k hole

    He couldn’t techno for an answer.

    Yeah, I know what you’re thinking ‘that rascal Smallman1 is fucking good.’


      Rare lol for ed.

      Lot of moaning being done these days. Snowflakes everywhere ffs. Who hasn’t ended up accidentally penetrating someone at an after party over the years?

      The Derrick May cases are so bizarre if true, how does somebody that blatant make it this far without people black listing him? Classic tracks here or there regardless, he sounds like a mad cunt rather than a rapist per se.

      I know I shouldn’t laugh but the picture in my head of May, sitting at the end of the bed, knob in hand, cockeyed with rage telling them to get out of the room, is fucking hilarious.

        LT42 Times have changed. I’ve heard enough rumors about his behaviour to believe it. Shit like that was looked through the fingers all the time before #metoo.

        • Dan replied to this.

          Homegrove My mates have seen him in action and pulled him for inappropriate touching whilst in Croatia.

          Pest with a few decent tunes.

            Dan Pest with a few decent tunes.

            Lol, brilliant summary!

            An off colour tweet will get you black listed, seems odd that guys like this have any longevity. “We’ll book him but keep an eye on him just in case, lads.” why bother?

            Must be more than a few 90s jocks with a bit of a sweat on now that another name is being outed. Morillo and jackmaster so far…

            • Dan replied to this.

              The DT and jon pleased women after parties must have been carnage, like the Caligula movie ffs!

              ‘Dance for me sexy, and wear the pouch’

              puts on Celeda - be yourself

              …the colour slowly drains from poor ed’s face as he beings to realise it’s going to be another one of THOSE nights…

              ’Danny, I thought it was just me, you and Jon Pleased Wimmin. I could have sworn I’ve just seen Derrick May in the kitchen.'