Nina as popular as jeremy healy by the looks of it! Very partial to a well placed 90s trance classic. Love when digweed dropped TDV the dawn at creamfields…

    -si- Binary Finary and Energy 52 are such obvious choices though

    Wrong, on many levels


    I’m half expecting you to put Mauro Picotto’s “Lizard” in one of you next mixes, my man. Gonna get ya!

      Mauro Picotto Lizard - soundtrack to it going right off at Creamfields 99 for me, wandered into Oakey’s tent just as he was beasting 10,000 mitsid-up spackers with this and then getting a taxi home about 8am we got the taxi driver to put his mix tape on which also had it, so 5 of us had it massively to this tune in the back of a black cab.

      seanc80 Sean, everything you do, is ‘cringe’. Even using the term ‘cringe’ which is this year’s ‘simples’ / ‘wasssup??!?!??’ for 40 year old office idiots like Smallman

      jonattonyeah as previously discussed, was a big fan for a while, and that is an absolute tune.

      also, love that Nina looks like the hooker from Mulholland Drive here.

      Mad_Cyril another of my faves. Nina, Aphex Twin, and Mauro Picotto on my Mt Rushmore of dj/producer greats. Just need one more.

        zackster Once saw Picotto play a 4 hour set which contained no breakdowns of any sort, the whole set had a constant kick drum throughout the whole thing, tre bizarre.

          Amps lol. All joking aside, 00-04 he was playing fire techno. Saw him several times at Avalon/Limelight and he dropped the hammer every single time.

            Amps Was this in Cream? Think I was there

            They went through a weird phase of booking people like Picotto when the crowds were thinning out early 2000s

            • Amps replied to this.

              zackster I saw him in Miami in 2003 and had to leave. It was ear bleeding techno.

              • Amps replied to this.