
I’m half expecting you to put Mauro Picotto’s “Lizard” in one of you next mixes, my man. Gonna get ya!

    Mauro Picotto Lizard - soundtrack to it going right off at Creamfields 99 for me, wandered into Oakey’s tent just as he was beasting 10,000 mitsid-up spackers with this and then getting a taxi home about 8am we got the taxi driver to put his mix tape on which also had it, so 5 of us had it massively to this tune in the back of a black cab.

    seanc80 Sean, everything you do, is ‘cringe’. Even using the term ‘cringe’ which is this year’s ‘simples’ / ‘wasssup??!?!??’ for 40 year old office idiots like Smallman

    jonattonyeah as previously discussed, was a big fan for a while, and that is an absolute tune.

    also, love that Nina looks like the hooker from Mulholland Drive here.

    Mad_Cyril another of my faves. Nina, Aphex Twin, and Mauro Picotto on my Mt Rushmore of dj/producer greats. Just need one more.

      zackster Once saw Picotto play a 4 hour set which contained no breakdowns of any sort, the whole set had a constant kick drum throughout the whole thing, tre bizarre.

        Amps lol. All joking aside, 00-04 he was playing fire techno. Saw him several times at Avalon/Limelight and he dropped the hammer every single time.

          Amps Was this in Cream? Think I was there

          They went through a weird phase of booking people like Picotto when the crowds were thinning out early 2000s

          • Amps replied to this.

            zackster I saw him in Miami in 2003 and had to leave. It was ear bleeding techno.

            • Amps replied to this.

              bosstrabs Yeah, I reckon maybe 2004? Probably his only appearance around that time, he was never a regular.

              The Gatecrasher crowd used to love his long sets.

              bosstrabs I assume it was a bit more prog in the other rooms? He was on in the Courtyard.

                zackster I remember it being pretty dull. Not how I like my techno. He sort of played techno like you would play prog. I’ll take Mills / May / Hood / Clark / Garnier etc. over his style.

                • Amps replied to this.