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…or just get the X1/Z1 combo? still not massively expensive and would feel less like starting again if you are broadly happy with using Traktor

    Anyone recommend a good place (UK) to buy an ‘off the shelf’ PC? Other than PC world or the like? My work horse is over 15 years old and has recently started to make funny noises.

      Unbroken1 Yeah could do that, not sure about having two boxes though, idea is to use this while i’m loafing about on the sofa.

        mono-stereo …they are pretty compact mate and should be fine for that. The X1 is a good bit of kit, used them for a while


        Yup. Unless you’re handy with a screw driver and fancy building your own ( i did recently for a beefy PC to play VR on). This site picks all the bits that are compatible for the best price: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/

        Half the price of going off the shelf, but if you can’t be arsed just buy a Dell. Most off the shelf manufacturers use the same components anyway.

        • Amps replied to this.

          Yeah the X1 is solid. X1/Z1 combo is perfect for basic Traktor shenanigans. Lots of maps out there too if you want to do something different with them.

          Yeah i kind of like the idea of not having to use midi maps so might go with the X1/Z1 combo.

            mono-stereo Unless you’re handy with a screw driver and fancy building your own

            Got a mate who does this, and was thinking about it, but then just figured these days it must be easy to get a proper decent set up off the shelf. Will have a look at the Dell stuff, I know some of their monitors are decent, but never considered one of their boxes.

            zoogly I know they’re supposed to be the best sounding, am looking at the Eventide Space myself =

            I’ve been close to pulling the trigger on the classic Eventide H3000 a few times now. Keep getting put off by the fact that they’re old, temperamental and expensive.

            zoogly ….it’s an emulation of the Roland RE-201 which was a classic analogue tape delay, very collectable, expensive and temperamental, apparently a decent one too

            zoogly i use the eventide blackhole plugin all the time and love it, i’m sure the hardware is even better.

            Homegrove stickied the discussion .

            Homegrove i’ve heard good things about the adam studio monitors. has to be my next big purchase when i have a properly treated room.