Dijon mustard knowing that Colman’s ENGLISH mustard is available is absurd.

Kewpie is Japanese. And wank. It’s like vegatable oil paste with vinegar in it. Hellman’s pisses all over it.

I actually went with hellmans for the first couple of batches when I started, it was yummy, but maybe a tad bit heavy. kewpie is feels lighter and has an umami flavour I can’t describe.

Will try colmans once the Dijon is done.

I’d like to see a Rhouses YouTube food channel, similar to that fat pikey’s who reviews British takeaways except with a classier, international feel and a follow up vid detailing the type of stool the meal produced and whether it resulted in the death from noxious fumes of any domestic staff or any remedial plumbing work etc etc.

    2 years later

    Dermo getting it all sorts of wrong shitting on Kewpie. lol. No clue.

      Shall I tell you what I had the other day? Sliced boiled egg, sliced tomato, salad cream and salt and pepper on white sourdough. It was magnificent.

        Just made a fried egg & mushroom sandwich..it was delicious

        Cheese, crispy bacon, mayo, salt n pepper, on thick cut brown bread. Bliss.

          The 80s are officially back in the sarnie world it would seem. I’m tempted by a corned beef and branston sanger today, washed down with a can of Top Deck and a nice packet of beef and mustard Brannigans

            Millsy fucking loved a corned beef and pickle sandwich so I did. On the cheapest possible sliced white bread

            Corned beef, onion and hp sauce is a classic. Never had it with Branston.

            Amps Cheese, crispy bacon, mayo, salt n pepper, on thick cut brown bread. Bliss.

            A cheese and bacon sandwich sounds like a waste of cheese and a waste of bacon.

            Both would be more enjoyable in their own separate sandwiches with more fitting respective fillings for them than just mayo (eg pickle with the cheese, or ketchup/brown for the bacon).