mono-stereo There is seemingly zero logic on the door policy. We were directly behind a loud pissed up American lass who literally vomited in front of the bouncers. Everyone got in.
Hursty I would imagine every ‘night’ is different and standard measures come into play like how many are in already, regulars being admitted etc. Never been myself but have mates who go over every year and are straight in. 2 blokes , 2 birds always though.
hugopal Smallman1 when @zackster made a thread referencing me he used the forum’s “@” function so I got a notification for it, as opposed to relying on me fortunately stumbling across the thread buried a few scrolls down. Up your posting skills smalls!
hugopal bosstrabs I actually got turned away from Berghain, while that fat pie-eating Potteries bastard got in. There’s nothing in that story which indicates Robbie Williams actually got in - perhaps we wants to make a copycat club there because he got rejected as well? The only massive pop star I’m aware of who is well known as having been there is Lady Gaga. Maybe there have been more on the down-low though. There are rumours Britney Spears once got rejected.
-si- Have any of you lads who didnt get in, tried to go back for a second attempt at entry dressed as Mrs Brown? Surely sean did?
-si- Do you think the adidas with the clocks glued to the tongues were rolled out for the big occasion?
seanc80 jonattonyeah Jonatton i remember on one occasion i went up after having been at Katerblau, so must have been about 10am. Having queued up, the walrus headed cunt asked me who was playing which i told him. He deicided to deliberate inside the door for 2 mins and then came out still said no lol. Talk about toying with a mans dignity.
C_J Berlin is an absolute slum. And the women are not slutty at all. Apart from that one hot “married” lady my mate rode.
bosstrabs seanc80 They used to do this at Gatecrasher to keep the boozers out. Then probably realised their takings were way down when every cunt they let in there just bought one water bottle the whole night.
seanc80 Themost ludicrous part to the whole debacle was that after hearing the crushing news, I actually shrugged my shoulders, looked at him and said with all seriousness…. ‘really?’.. and walked off like it was a MASSIVE mistake not allowing me through those hallowed portals lol