ok cool, here you go. as always, i’ll add the caveat that i’m in no way qualified to give you proper advice.
in no particular order:
- the low-mid/bass sound at the beginning is too wide; i’d mono it, at least under 300 hz or so, and maybe saturate/widen the top end to get it to cut through the mix. i don’t think there’s an actual phasing problem, but it bothers me a little, maybe it’s just a resonant peak or something too. i’m not sure without loading into a daw.
- i like the vocals/speach/whatever you want to call it, but it needs processing. first it’s too loud in the mix and comes in really abruptly. i’d set it back with a little reverb, ease it in. also, i’d chop it and make it play a little better with the arrangement – it almost sounds like it’s just playing on top of the rest of the track vs. being part of it, if that makes sense (e.g. the content should peak dramatically with the end of a break). i’d also consider moving it around the stereo field a bit (chop it into phrases, use 3-4 tracks, pan them differently, add some reverb and delays, etc.). i’d also make it a bit more sparse or drop it out at times to let the rest of the track come forward.
- the high pitched whine around 4:10 to 5:07 is quite resonant. i’d eq/low pass it to soften it.
- it sounds like a good 5 or 6 minute track, the arrangement could probably be more consise
- the hats are a little static and could use some automation (panning, delay/feedback changes, different patterns, etc.)
the overall mix sounds pretty good, just needs some tweaks. i love the groove from the congas, sound design is good, i like the vibe and feel of the track.
hopefully that helps a little, if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. 🙂