Mad_Cyril Millsy Is bants school now classed as an ‘event’? Could be a January event in the offing. You coming, panto should have finished by then?
Smallman1 The following attendees are in the frame for next January’s course - Millsy Amps MC They’ll be smashing it by Feb / March confirmed!
Wally Millsy defo the middle aged, badly dressed sleazy wanker that attends freshers week at the student union every year regular as clockwork and tries to score with the lasses at Bants University.
Wally Millsy ‘I keep getting older and they keep staying the same age’ as he’s spilling a rum and coke down his pants.
Wally Smallman1 ‘bespoke module’ = mandatory student lessons from the student welfare and safeguarding team.
Millsy Smallman1 I’m oldskool on that front, like a cornered animal, the Derms defence. Something I’ve not been able to shake since the GU days.
Millsy Wally a similar feeling to his Mrs when he pats her on the arsehole and whispers ’you’ve been dermoed’ apres sex. He still gives the best hugs though 💘
Cankles-McJeggings The only way wally could ever be funny is getting hit by a car crossing a road (Even funnier if he only looks right for oncoming vehicles but the car comes from the left ). Himself and MC are like bants vacuums. They enter otherwise healthy threads and literally hoover all the fun out of them in a single post.
bosstrabs It’s a good job invites aren’t still dispatched by messengers on horses btw. “Oh, BORE OFF, Dave! etc etc”