Mad_Cyril Smallman1 Do like how Rhouses has 20 slider buns every Friday I must say. The schedule in itself is funny, Friday particular so!
rhouses Amps only after carb/protein heavy meals without veggies. Biryani, burgers, butter chicken + naan, happens more often than I’d like to admit. Maybe twice a week now. Have rejigged my diet this year so I don’t need it as much. Didn’t want to get too reliant on it either.
Amps rhouses Didn’t want to get too reliant on it either. It’s okay, you can’t get withdrawal from it. I’d thrown in some proper yoghurt three times a week too. Non of your flavoured sugar filled shite, proper hardcore raw stuff, mix in with some nuts / granola stuff.
rhouses Smallman1 lol 4 sliders per meal! Cold cuts and they’re the perfect size for a thick single slice of tomato. The baker only does 20 packs. Same cost as 4 brioche burger buns.
Smallman1 Just had a lovely falafel wrap in Holborn. Think the bread was Khobez. Absolutely sensaysh!
bosstrabs Smallman1 Just had a lovely falafel wrap in Holborn. You’re supposed to say ‘Just had a ovey faafe wrap in Hoborn.’
bosstrabs Smallman1 Londoners like to laugh at non-Londoners for not knowing you drop the l in Holborn. You probably wouldn’t know that since you’re from Surrey rather than London.
rhouses Amps I’ve got some probiotic action going on too, I usually save it for the spicy meals. But yeah, should get on that granola yogurt combo.
Along_the_Wire bosstrabs only a complete cunt would say Hol-born. It’s way worse than woustesereshire sauce.
Amps rhouses Tablet or drink? Most of the commercial pro biotic drinks are rammed full of sugar, enough to undo the good of the pro biotic, you may as well have a Fruit Shoot. The yog / granola combo is good for breakfast or even as a snack.
BlainSA rhouses Skip the granola. That shit is not healthy. But then neither is bread, so… I’ll see myself out.