Smallman1 A man goes to a funeral and asks the widow: Mind if I say a word?" She says: “Please do.” The man clears his throat and says: “Bargain.” The widow replies: “Thanks that means a great deal.”
LT42 Smallman1 Ed, have the Govt forced you to wear a mask and glasses at the same time? You might be entitled to condensation.
Old-Dutch It has been 33 years, and no further instructions from Technotronic. And so I think, with regret, it’s time to deflate the jam
Smallman1 I’ve just got back from the supermarket where some bloke threw a block of cheese at me followed by a pint of milk. I thought how dairy.
Along_the_Wire I’ve begun investing heavily in beef, chicken and vegetable stocks. One day I hope to be a bouillonaire.
Smallman1 My wife says she’s leaving me as she thinks I’m obsessed with astronomy. What planet is she on?